I'm Shweta Gurnani

WebDeveloper | Competitive Programmer

Shweta Gurnani

About Me

I'm Shweta Gurnani, and I am currently a Junior at IIIT Una, studying Computer Science and Engineering.

I'm a web developer and I love to play with Data Structures And Algorithms. I'm a complete nerd and I like to keep my grades up. I hail from Agra, India and I love to be close to Indian Culture. I'm a complete foodie and you can challenge me anytime for a Harry Potter Quiz!



  • Secondary School, St.George's College,Agra, 92.6%.
  • Senior Secondary School, St.Clare's Senior Secondary School,Agra, 92.4%.
  • Now pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from IIIT Una, 9.3/10.0 CGPA, currently the branch topper.


  • Google Software Product Sprint Student (July 2020- Present)
  • Contributor at GirlScript Summer of Code'20 (March 2020 - May 2020)
  • Problem Setter at Force-IIIT Una (July 2020 - Present)
  • Coordinator at Force-IIIT Una
What I Do..


Competitive Programming

I love to build logic and solve problems, and can be found mostly on coding platforms like CodeForces,etc.

Web Development

I am Full Stack Web developer. I have build many web applications in MERN stack.

Shweta Gurnani

Open Source

I am open source enthusiast. I contributed to Mozilla Firefox code this summer and also took part in GSSoC'20 and was among top 25 participants.

My projects


  • Built an Event Management System to get permissions for Lecture Hall and Auditorium for conducting the workshops.
  • Implemented functionalities like sending Email using SendGrid.
  • Used NodeJS for Back-End development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript for Front-End development and MongoDB for database management.


  • Built a Blog-Post Website. It has a Home page to view all the post based on the time of posting. Users can create a new post and publish the same.
  • Users can comment on any of the posts.
  • Register and login functionality with valid email id.
  • It is a complete MERN application.

Dummy Users

  • Developed a platform similar to YouTube which showcase the number of views on each video.
  • Since the platform is relatively new, I added dummy views to the real views which will change every second for every video according to a formula.
  • Used NodeJS for Back-End development, HTML, CSS, JavaScript for Front-End development and MySQL for database management.